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At the front: Desirable brands

Founded in 2012 in New York by Flávia Nogueira and Victor Hayashida, School/SS99 emerged with the aim of breaking the barriers of traditional communication and advertising and inspired by great names in history such as Louis XIV and brands in the fashion world.

School/SS99 co-founders, Flávia Nogueira and Victor Hayashida left behind successful careers and companies in the advertising market to create the company

With a team of specialists made up of architects, journalists, designers, business intelligence professionals, publicists, stylists and even musicians — in this case, the singer Marina Lima —, in addition to maintaining offices in Paris, New York and São Paulo, the School /SS99 was year after year bringing companies to its portfolio.

Its methodology, which was called Brand Anatomy®, found the soul of the brand and its mission and, through a trend research work, projected these values ​​over the years, transforming them into desires and aspirations. After this step, all touchpoints could be redrawn. In order for the work to be shielded, Flávia and Victor become guardians of the brands. According to their own definitions: Flávia became the right side of the brain, the essence and truth of the founder, while Victor would become the left side, the reason and the business of the brand.

Finding the essence of the brand, structuring a plan that involves all areas of communication and finding the "life style" was the main differentials of School/SS99.

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Corporate Office Rethink: Telling Stories

Inside the Alexander McQueen inspired School/SS99 Creative Office in São Paulo

Inspirations come in many forms and for School/SS99, it comes from the runway. The creative branding and strategy founded by Flávia Nogueira and Victor Hayashida, was heavily inspired by Alexander McQueen's famous Spring/Summer 1999 runway show that brought a certain guttural savagery to the common fashion presentation.

"Even before the pandemic, we wanted to build a space that would bring a unique experience with our brand. A space that represented our values re-signify the experience of the corporate environment", says Flávia, who self-designed the office.

The connection of branding, experience and art direction is something that easily spills over into the firms office. Housing a total of 6 employees, the studio is made up several rooms which all carry the white/black/gold color scheme - and all containing great design finds. Even the restroom doesn't miss a beat.

"Through the bricks, we demonstrate the importance of experience in favor of culture, and the relevance of expressing the soul of the brand on all, both surfaces for internal and external customers. We have already developed more than 15 architectural projects helping brands to connect with their culture, a fact that is further compounded by the changes that COVID-19 will bring in all sectors", concludes Flávia.

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Strong Foundation: Back to the future

Over 20 years of experience in the field of communication, management and strategy, we have developed a methodology called BrandAnatomy®. 

As a compass, BrandAnatomy® works to reconfigure the organizational culture, taking as base the company's fundamental values ​and the cultural, economic and civic redefinition that are in constant transformation._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_

The method is a journey that includes the Value Proposition, product's Value Chain, adjustments to the Business Model, Branding, restoration and implementation of Cultural, Strategic Planning, definition of KPIs and operational project design.

“They've already defined us as a branding agency, brand consultants, design consultants. The truth is, we are none of those things. We have a very well designed methodology, which does not fit into any of these labels” , says Victor.

For a solid and holistic strategy, the method includes 4 steps called Lifestyle Brand. 

Brand Anatomy® frameworks

Figure 1: The workflow

Figure 2: The Management Process

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Brand Anatomy®

There is a two pronged approach to the method: First, by making clear the damage caused by the inadequacy of Vision x Culture x Processes. Second, it is a great opportunity to rebuild systems in favor of a resilient and humane organization. 

Business: Setting the scene

A methodology that puts ideas and ideals into practice

In 10 years of activity, School/SS99 has worked and works with major Brazilian and international brands, from the most diverse sectors. Among them are Natura, Sakura, Skol, Guaraná Antarctica, Camargo Corrêa, Coca-Cola and Fast Shop. Even advertising agencies are included in the portfolio, such as Africa, elected the largest agency in the world, and CuboCC, one of the main digital agencies in the country. Almost all projects are confidential.

Although the majority of School/SS99's clients are large companies and organizations, Flávia and Victor felt that it was necessary to think of a hybrid business model that was easily adjustable to smaller clients, entrepreneurs, investors and start-ups.

“We didn't want to work only with mainstream brands, we wanted to have brands in our portfolio that, despite being smaller, had great missions. We believe in the potential of Brazilian entrepreneurs and, when we realized that they had a truth, we had to adjust our business model to work with them”, concludes Flávia.

School/SS99 Spin Off

Business: Home investments

Academy FW S/A was born in 2020 as a spin off of the School/SS99 consulting model to work with venture capital funds and startups from different industries to find and unlock opportunity through smart strategy.

As the world around us changes, businesses need to respond by becoming more strategic in their branding efforts to ensure their products and services are met with high demand.


Flávia Nogueira and Victor Hayashida team up with the French economist Simon Pierre Gerard De Groote to provide companies with a one-stop shop with solutions to help make this happen using their unique technology. When it comes to branding strategies, there is no one-size-fits-all option. 

From market trend consulting, Business Plan formatting, innovation area implementation, Branding, Design, Strategic Planning, Fundraising, Next Round, IPO, we help clients from different industries with different challenges. 

Academy FW10 S/A build common ground across business interests. Developing and strengthening identities and conveying credible, well-rounded business messages.

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A new communication ecosystem

Academy FW10 S/A is a hybrid branding agency that takes a holistic approach to building brands. 

The current market is very fragmented, and the business model of each service provider is not linked to the success of its client, but to the fulfillment of the goal of new contracts. That's why many methodologies, even if very well designed, don't work. Not being tied to the daily challenges of an organization gives the service provider a cut lens of the problems, consequently, the cut solution will also be offered. It will be up to the team, which also has a cut vision, due to the departmentalized culture, to mend the large patchwork quilt generated. This problem is classic, from centenary companies to StartUps.

Rebuilding is not easy, and across all our cases, it falls in the hands of management to take actions and assumes this role. There is only one antidote: an active, holistic vision as the key to success.

Startups, in essence, don't need to have all their departments running in a fixed, separate way. However, it is essential that the progress of the areas demonstrate synergy among them, through a joint, holistic plan in favor of the same vision.

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"We entered after the validation of the MVP to set the company on the next investment round, taking care of all the needs that are raised after another diagnosis". 


Business Model: Winning Concept

We base our business model with a focus after the seed Stage phase. Why?

We understand that it is at this stage that important points of business development will emerge and the efficiency of the methodology, as well as its continuity, will become clearer. We entered after the validation of the MVP to set the company on the next investment round, taking care of all the needs that are raised after another diagnosis. 

Our proposal is to breakdown the cost of such services among a fixed payment at the start and a retainer at the exit, and equity swap following deliveries. Together, we harness a small stake in the next round's success, which may vary depending on our involvement in the raising of funds process. 

In most cases, your main clients will be your investors and for them it is important that you have and demonstrate a global view of the departments: marketing, accounting, operations, HR, legal and finance. It will undoubtedly be safer to consider having experts on your side in the various areas you will need to take care of, to finally, keep focused on what matters most: The Next Round

We're purpose driven. We rebuild systems to create resilient and human organizations.

Growing footfall: In full swing

The restoration time may vary from company to company according to the maturity of each area.

With Academy FW10 S/A, Flávia, Victor and Pierre have already helped more than 15 young and talented CEO's in their new companies to seek their purpose, business model, coordinate marketing and operations in addition to raising investment funds and reports for shareholders and investors

At the end of the day, it is very important for CEOs to demonstrate that their startups put all their efforts into technological development while creating an impeccable marketing and business development strategy and leadership structure that will fit into the next 5 years.

Today Academy FW10 S/A acts as a holding company that invests in some companies and also that works with entrepreneurs and investment funds making startups reach their goals at the most different levels: early stage, seed stage, series A, B, C and next rounds.

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Staying Power: Healthy appetite

We're working to make the world a better place where everyone gets the same opportunities to realize their full potential on a healthy planet.

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